Giants Castle

We dove Giants Castle Reef today. Conditions were rough again, and that's the closest deep dive site to the dive shop. With choppy waters we weren't going to get out of the bay, unfortunately. We were able to do some fish transacts at least. Every five minutes, we had to stop and Katie would take notes on all the species of fish in the area and I would record a video trying to rotate a full 360ยบ without moving. As you can tell from the video, I was having some difficulty. You can tell how strong the current is by watching the the trichodesmium (sea sawdust) fly by.

I'm definitely a stronger diver than I was yesterday, but once again I was the first one out of air, despite having a 25% larger tank than everyone else. Tofo's pretty far off the beaten path so it mostly gets experienced divers and divemaster trainees. The two other non-professional divers in the group not only beat me in air consumption rate, they also saw a humpback whale while on scuba, which is super rare. Today was not my day. Maybe the conditions will be better tomorrow.


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